Bioregional Education Page

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Bioregional Education Page

Shall we form a bioregional education guild? We are having some initial meetings among interested parties to discuss what it would look like to form a stable group responsible for cultivating a bioregional education guild, to strengthen existing bioregional education efforts underway across Cascadia.

What kind of educational system is necessary for us to reinhabit and regenerate the bioregion? How could a guild strengthen the efforts of existing bioregional education efforts? What educational resources are already available to support the regeneration of Cascadia? What are the resources that we could more efficiently develop together, rather than separately? How do we create a place where a bioregional education network could realize these opportunities?

Here is our Miro Board from our 1st Open Space event Feb 17, 2024.

We are having weekly discussions to form a guild stewardship workgroup that can take responsibility for developing a bioregional education guild (see upcoming events in the sidebar).

Here are documents we are working with:

What is a Topic?

A topic is an informal discussion group and forum around an issue that people feel is important for Regenerating Cascadia. Anyone is welcome to create a new topic group. The purpose of a topic group is to be a welcome space for people interested, share resources and connect with others passionate around the same issues.

What is a Guild?

If there are enough people passionate about a specific topic, a stewardship team can support the development of a “Bioregional Guild”.

A bioregional guild is supported by the Regenerate Cascadia 501(c)3 umbrella. Stewards moderate their online community, host meetings, maintaining an email list, populate the calendar, and post articles and resources. They can generate income, and manage their own budget.

Guilds share expertise and wisdom across watersheds to support the inhabitants of our bioregion.

Talk to the Bioregional Education Guild!


You can donate directly to this group.  Donations are 501(c)3 tax deductible.

Upcoming GUILD events

gUILD Meeting Reports

"to create the conditions for a regenerative movement to thrive."

Regenerate Cascadia is a 501(c)3 nonprofit program of the Department of Bioregion. All gifts are tax deductible. ©2024 Regenerate Cascadia.

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