Join the Community

Each guild has an online community space where you can meet others, connect, and get involved. 


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Regenerate Whatcom

Welcome! We are in the process of building out this network and invite you to join us.

Wondering if you had time reflect back and share some of the take aways and thoughts you had from the Regenerate Whatcom Tour day.

  • What are the leverage points?
  • What was most inspiring?
  • How would you like to be further involved?
  • How do we stay connected?
  • I would love to put something together to present while the energy is fresh. 

There is a request for regional reports on how the tour went and how effective it was. I would love to compile and share some of your thoughts.

Would you be interested in joining a zoom session to talk about local actions? We will be hosting an event on the 10th of January at 7pm if you can join us. look at the calendar for the zoom link.

Join us here as well for a local Whatcom forum of involved people on Transition Whatcom

What is a Community?

A community is a place based gathering space for people in an area passionate about regenerative work to come together, connect and share news, events, resources and information. It is an informal discussion group hosted on the Regenerate Cacadia website. Anyone is welcome to create a new community if one doesn’t exist yet. 

What is a Hub?

If there are enough people passionate about a specific topic, a stewardship team can emerge to take a leadership role and the next step to create a “Regenerate Hub”.

A Regenerate Hub receives all the benefits of being under the Regenerate Cascadia 501(c)3 umbrella. By becoming a hub, stewards take on basic responsibilities such as moderating their online community, making sure meetings happen regularly, maintaining an email list, sharing meeting minutes, and ensuring events are being added to the calendar, and into the blog. They can also manage their own budget and reporting if there is any income.

Hubs represent a single place, and can host many projects, communities and groups, and work to shift action and impact into the framework of a landscape. The purpose of a hub is to be a welcome space for people interested,  and to undertake activities that support the inhabitants of our bioregion.


You can donate directly to this group.  Donations are 501(c)3 tax deductible.

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