An emerging Community of regenerators.

Regenerate Cascadia supports regenerative projects, communities and organizers to reinforce work happening on the ground, grow bioregional governance; and celebrate our unique stories, autonomy, and context of place.

We work to:

“to regenerate the Cascadia bioregion and to create the conditions for a regenerative culture and movement to thrive”. 

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Becoming Prosocial

Join a Cascadia Cohort for the upcoming Prosocial Action Lab
*Space limited* – Regenerate Cascadia and Prosocial World are sponsoring

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Where did Regenerate Cascadia come from?

Regenerate Cascadia was launched in April of 2023 by Victoria artist Clare Attwell and Seattle organizer Brandon Letsinger. They were the recipients of the 2023 Salmon Nation Edgeprize: Systems and Governance Grant.  

After this, they partnered with 100+ local organizers in 14 communities throughout Cascadia to invite Joe Brewer, Penny Heiple, and Steven Morris from the Design School for Regenerating Earth as part of a Bioregional Activation Tour Oct 1-30, which included presentations, workshops and field trips, and culminated in a capstone Bioregional Summit Nov 3-10.

In each place, we asked: “How do we regenerate an entire landscape? What do people need to be supported in this work

To document the process, recordings of each info session, presentation, and more than 50 sessions from the Summit have are available in a 2023 proceedings document. 

How do we regenerate Cascadia?

Presentations from the 2023 Bioregional Summit

Presentations from Joe Brewer, from the Cascadia Activation Tour

Early Info Sessions by Brandon Letsinger and Clare Attwell

Video Submission to the 2023 Salmon Nation Edgeprize

"to create the conditions for a regenerative movement to thrive."

Regenerate Cascadia is a 501(c)3 nonprofit program of the Department of Bioregion. All gifts are tax deductible. ©2024 Regenerate Cascadia.