What is a Regenerate Hub?

A Regenerate Hub is a coalition of local regenerative stewards, projects, and communities within a bioregional boundary or watershed designed to create a collective impact on the scale of a landscape. Gatherings of Regenerate Hubs within a watershed, ecoregion, or bioregion form “congresses” on those scales and ensure alignment of mission, structure, and funding mechanisms of each subsequent ‘nested’ scale.

What does a Regenerate Hub do?

The goal of a watershed hub is to weave together the work and projects happening – into that of a landscape – and to see people supported with the tools and resources they need. Including
  • develop and connect people into a story and context of place, 
  • Cultivate and continuously refine a regenerative vision for each place to guide our work, like a north star. 
  • Help communities visualize their potential and connect people doing the work, 
  • Helping each place express their unique knowledge and experiences in a shared informational framework.
  • Help us learn to collaborate and work together, creating the governance we need.
  • Build coalitions for more effective collaborative grants, loans, and financing.
  • Steward and manage a portion of a larger bioregional regeneration fund for their watershed.

Core Functions of a Regenerate Hub

  • Create a Presentation about their area and the projects for other watersheds.
  • Host a Regular In-Person Community Gathering (Potluck….Monthly?)
  • Host a Regular Online Orientation & Organizing Meeting (on Zoom – Monthly/Quarterly?)
  • Host episodic organizing and group coordination events (Open Space, Unconference)
  • Connect with a larger scale “Quarterly” gathering of watershed hubs (Congress?). 
  • Manage its budget. Determine a broader vision and priorities. Manage an email list.
  • Host and participate in Projects and Events

What is Regenerate Cascadia?

Regenerate Cascadia is a backbone 501(c)3 that provides services and administrative support to create the conditions for a regenerative movement to thrive. We aim to connect organizers, projects, and communities doing the work and see them supported with the tools and resources they need. We are doing this through Regenerate Hubs, which are place-based groups that may have many topics, such as Regenerate Whidbey, and Regenerate Guilds, which are topic expert communities that are bioregional in scope, such as a Cascadia Seed Guild. Core Principles:   Bioregional, Regenerative, Nested Scales / Subsidiarity, Evolving Culture, Whole Systems Thinking, Lead with questions, not solutions, Let the land guide our choices. See people supported, as defined by them. We also follow a prosocial framework, which means
  • Strong group identity and understanding of purpose.
  • Fair distribution of costs and benefits.
  • Fair and inclusive decision-making.
  • Monitoring agreed-upon behaviors.
  • Graduated sanctions for misbehaviors.
  • Fast and fair conflict resolution.
  • Authority to self-govern.
  • Appropriate relations with other groups
We embrace Privacy by Design.  This means that a user will always own their own data and what happens with it, using their consent.

Creating a Regenerate Stewardship Team

Every Regenerate Hub, Guild, or Committee should have a leadership team to help provide the administrative backbone to create the conditions for their group to thrive. The goal of this team is not to control decisions or outcomes but to instead ensure alignment with the overall mission and vision, and as long as that is there, to instead come in service, for what the group may need. The main function of a Regenerate Stewardship Team is to help bring back updates, lessons, and knowledge from a particular group to the central core so that it can be shared with the whole.

What is the Responsibility of a Regenerate Stewardship Team?

  • Help welcome new people and that communication flows between newcomers, the local hub, and the broader bioregional community. 
  • Make sure events are added to the Regenerate Cascadia Website
  • Have a @regeneratecascadia.org email address.
  • Maintain communication with group members through the website, telegram, or email.
  • Have a Space they maintain in google drive. 
  • Regenerate Hub “Page” on the Regenerate Cascadia Website, which will include a photo, mission, vision, description, and contact information for the stewardship team. 
  • Steward a Regenerate Hub “Website” – if they would like one – that will integrate its posts, calendar, and users in a shared backend with the RC site. 
  • Make sure Meeting Notes and videos from zoom calls and meetings get shared as a blog post on the RC and Hub sites. 
  • Attend and share a quarterly or monthly “Bioregional Updates” session on Zoom where they share things happening in their area to the broader movement. 
  • Manage a Community Space that will include a forum, feed, photo gallery, resource library, and calendar on the RC website. 
  • Help ensure legal and financial compliance for all projects of a hub. 
  • Help make sure a budget exists.
We aim to connect organizers, projects, and communities doing the work and see them supported with the tools and resources they need. Ultimately, we hope that each watershed based “Regenerate Hub”, will serve as a congress for their area, comprised of the projects and people doing the work, which can help allocate priorities and manage a landscape regeneration fund.

Regenerate Cascadia Terms & Definitions

Definitions of Terms For more complete list see the
Ambassador Someone who has leaned in, and signed up for the website. They may or may not be a monthly supporter, but they have access to the backend resources and community, as well as onboarding materials. Our goal is that they can represent the movement, and bioregionalism, to family and friends, and know how to get more involved.
Steward A person who is taking responsibility as a member of a coherent group either in a guild or at a hub, or working in the backbone organization, and has completed onboarding for shared context.. They can represent the Regenerate Cascadia organization/movement to the outside world. Paid/Unpaid.
Stewardship Team Admin/Staff at the Watershed / Guild level, who make sure their particular group has the resources they need, and/or are small to large handful of people who take accountability for their group, and make sure updates, meetings are relayed back to the larger group, and those within a group. Initial roles are established at an exploratory meeting. (I think of this as the local branch of the backbone organization).
Regenerate Chapter A larger collection of people and groups within a specific area. Groups form from chapters. Chapters evolve slowly. Some group is cultivating a chapter. Each chapter should have a “Stewardship Team”. Stewardship Council/bioregional watershed committee (made up of representatives of the watershed groups)
Bioregional Guild A larger collection of people and groups with a general shared interest. Groups form from guilds. Guilds evolve slowly. Some group is cultivating a guild. Each guild should have a “Stewardship Team”. A guild has received approval from the Stewardship Council/bioregional guild committee (made up of representatives of the guilds)
Project A subgroup of a Guild, Chapter, or Committee.
Bioregional Stewards Admin/Staff at the Bioregional Level, who make sure the Stewardship Councils, committees, chapters and guilds have the tools they need to be successful. Help each compile budgets, and do the day to day activities.
Bioregional Council (board) Has the legal and financial responsibility of the organization, as well as ensures alignment of Groups/Guilds/Chapters/Committees) to the vision and legal requirements.
Bioregional Committee A higher level group, that includes one Bioregional Admin, and one Board (Stewardship Council??) member, and as many other ambassadors and stewards.
Regenerate Process Group processes focus not on making decisions over resources, but it information sharing, and supporting and encouraging coherent group formation.

Viewing all groups that are

What is a Hub?

Create a New Guild

How to Start a New Guild
