Course Information

Start: March 19th 2024
Days: Tue & Thu
Time: 9:30am-11:00am
Cost: $50 or Free with RC Cohort
Time Expectation: 3-5hrs a Week.

Register Here

By signing up, we are offering to cover the cost of a one year membership to the Design School, including the Learning Journey. Thank you and we’re excited to have you join us there to help us co-cocreate what comes next!

As people who care deeply about their local landscapes, we know we need to be effective stewards—but how? How do we find others who will help co-create the conditions for openness, curiosity, cooperation, and learning? And how do we catalyze and embody the cultural and worldview shifts necessary for the regeneration of the planet, our bioregion, and our local communities?  

Regenerate Cascadia is proud to partner with the Design School for Regenerating Earth as part of their upcoming learning journey that begins March 19th, 2024, and that will run for six months — to birth a planetary network of bioregional learning centers. This will be done in parallel with local groups around North America and the world as we manifest this platform in our local bioregions. 

Regenerate Cascadia is forming a cohort as part of this learning journey, using this six-month opportunity to work with organizers from around Cascadia who may be interested in creating processes for initiating Landscape Hubs, each of which we hope will host a Bioregional Learning Center within their unique landscape. We hope you will join us!

If you are already a member of the Design School for Regenerating Earth, the program is already being offered free of charge. If you, or a cohort, is interested in registering, the cost of the course is $50/yr, or $5 a month per person – which also gives you a full membership to the Design School, a wonderful community of like-minded folks coming together around similar purpose. For people interested in taking this course from within Cascadia, to help develop or grow a bioregional learning site or learning center in your landscape, connect with or empower others doing the same work, or who would like to explore this coherence within our program Regenerate Cascadia, we are covering the costs of the Learning Journey and a one-year membership to the Design School for Regenerating Earth.

The course will blend of theory and practice, beginning by creating shared contexts of ideas, language, models, and frameworks.  This will flow into the self-organizing of participants into cohorts that work in their own landscapes to apply what they learn in real-world settings. As part of this worldwide endeavor, Cascadia will join other regional organizing clusters, such as the Great Lakes, North East, and other areas. 

The six-month duration of the LJ provides an opportunity for folks within Regenerate Cascadia to learn together and build on what we’re already learning in our various groups and guilds.  This gives us enough time to dive deep together and will offer different entry points for “landscape cohorts” to form from across our bioregion. These sessions are designed to not only provide the necessary developmental learning to create clear next steps for us in our local bioregion but it also allows for parallel learning from across the planet, which will massively speed up and support the process for forming core backbone teams, able to hold the Bioregional learning processes in their landscapes.  

Regenerative organizers are encouraged to sign up with friends and local groups to organize their own cohort. For example, if you live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, you can gather with other local organizers and form your own team. This has already started to occur in Cascadia, the Great Lakes, and the Northern Andes. Our hope is that we can stimulate the creation of bioregional learning centers around the world through the learning journey and all of the supportive exchanges that emerge afterward.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is a Bioregional Learning Center the same as a Landscape Hub? 

A Bioregional Learning Center is slightly different than a Landscape Hub, as we are talking about them. However, learning centers play a critical role for every hub, as they develop a story of place, an informational commons, and a portfolio of regenerative projects. We slightly differentiate a BLC, which may or may not have a physical location, and bioregional learning sites, of which there might be several within a landscape.  

Can I join the Learning Journey or join with a Cohort even if I’m not specifically interested in forming a Regenerate Cascadia Landscape Hub?

Yes!!! Absolutely. Now, more than ever, we need a movement and learning ecosystem all working towards a similar goal, working together to grow our coherence collaboratively and support our efforts.

If I join as part of the Regenerate Cascadia Cohort but decide to leave or want to join it later on in the process can I? 

No worries. Much of this is still emerging, and we understand that people get busy. If you decide it’s not right for you, or later on, decide it is for you – that’s lovely! We hope to see you there. However, we are also looking forward to growing a group of people that we can work, develop trust and coherence through this amazing six-month process with. Our goal with Regenerate Cascadia is also to help us to identify 5-10 potential leadership teams that can form Regenerate Cascadia landscape hubs that we work with in 2025, as well. 

What if I can’t attend the whole time, or am outside of Cascadia?

The primary purpose of the Regenerate Cascadia is to help form local teams and bioregional hubs throughout landscapes in the Cascadia Bioregion, and to work together to identify 5-10 landscape teams to carry this forward with Regenerate Cascadia in 2025. While it’s not an automatic no, priority will be given to folks within our region, and who can commit to complete the whole program with us. That being said, if we have the resources to support more people, we absolutely will! Because we feel the more the merrier. But if you’re out of the region, or not able to complete the whole journey, we just need to wait to make sure it won’t bump out another interested party.


What is a Bioregional Learning Center?

Please reach out to anyone on the RC Core Admin Team if you have any questions. 

More information at: