The check in round revealed both the tensions and excitement being experienced regarding the speed we are experiencing both in RC and in the world in general. Updates were given on how the RC website was developing including the fact that the regenerative educational resources we have been working on will be uploaded into WordPress and sent out soon to all members in the newsletter. We also had updates on questions regarding how/where to archive bioregional learning materials.
Kwin updated us on the plans of the February 17 Open Space Bioregional Learning symposium. Great detailed suggestions were made about the different aspects needed for a learning event: Before (e.g. spreading the word and orienting people to what would happen), During ( e.g. event facilitation, embodied learning, recording, break
out rooms, report back , Miro boards) and After ( e.g. harvesting, follow up and useful implementation).
In terms of grounding and sustaining our work together, we considered the importance of clarifying our draft Aims as well filling the roles of facilitator, and note taker that Paul has temporarily been holding so well. These two items will form much of our next meeting agenda ( Feb 8) although we also recognized that we have a growing list of agenda items in our “parking lot” .
Zoom Recording Passcode: 4Ey7?@JM – for Transcript, AI Summary, AI Next Steps and chat. YouTube: