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Cascadia Seed Guild

This is a placeholder page for our Cascadia Seed Guild. We are having some initial meetings among interested parties to discuss what it would look like to form a stable group responsible for cultivating a bioregional seed guild, to strengthen existing efforts underway across Cascadia.

What kind of seed saving system is necessary for us to reinhabit and regenerate the bioregion? How could a guild strengthen the efforts of existing efforts? What educational resources are already available to support the regeneration of Cascadia? What are the resources that we could more efficiently develop together, rather than separately? How do we create a place where a bioregional seed saving network could realize these opportunities?

We are having regular discussions to form a guild stewardship workgroup that can take responsibility for developing a Cascadia Seed  Guild (see upcoming events in the sidebar).

Here are documents we are working with:

What is a Topic?

A topic is an informal discussion group and forum around an issue that people feel is important for Regenerating Cascadia. Anyone is welcome to create a new topic group. The purpose of a topic group is to be a welcome space for people interested, share resources and connect with others passionate around the same issues.

What is a Guild?

If there are enough people passionate about a specific topic, a stewardship team can emerge to take a leadership role and the next step to create a “Bioregional Guild”.

A bioregional guild receives all the benefits of being under the Regenerate Cascadia 501(c)3 umbrella. By becoming a guild, stewards take on basic responsibilities such as moderating their online community, making sure meetings happen regularly, maintaining an email list, sharing meeting minutes, and ensuring events are being added to the calendar, and into the blog. They can also manage their own budget and reporting if there is any income.

Guilds focus on one topic, and share their knowledge, wisdom and expertise across watersheds. The purpose of a guild is to be a welcome space for people interested, to create educational materials for all Regenerate Cascadia ambassadors, and to undertake activities that support the inhabitants of our bioregion.


You can donate directly to this group.  Donations are 501(c)3 tax deductible.

Upcoming events

Meeting Reportbacks


To be a seed processing equipment Co-Op, education/ research group, Seed Bank and seed lending library
Salish Seed Co-op’s mission is to honor the biodiversity of seeds grown in our local food shed and to encourage the care-taking of genetic seed diversity for future generations. Our members grow, select & store seeds from plants that express genetic strengths adaptable to our soils & changing weather, or unique heirloom qualities that could enhance the resiliency of our local food system.
We advance our mission through a regional Salish Sea network of seed-saving garden-farmers & advocates, through organizing & attending regional seed swaps supporting open exchange of seeds, through workshops and educational demonstrations at public events, and by researching, building and acquiring appropriate-scale seed processing equipment and storage facilities.
We envision a future where a majority of local farmers and gardeners are saving at least some of their own seeds, with each individual playing a vital role in stewarding locally-adapted seed varieties and diversity. We envision a future where local farmers are once again educated and skilled in the art and science of selecting, harvesting, threshing, and cleaning seed of all types of food and medicinal plants. We envision a future where our local seed swaps are no longer dependent on seeds donated by large seed companies from outside the region, and instead become vital trading posts for local growers and seed stewards.

To create a barter-trading system based around seeds.  Our objective is not to detrimentally impact existing seed suppliers, our objective is to turn as much arable land into growing food and beneficial crops as possible.  As seeds cannot be printed nor manufactured and if we are marginally successful, all the seed suppliers in the World combined will not be able to get anywhere near to supplying our needs for seeds.  In addition and of paramount importance, we will pay extremely close attention to improving seed quality and vigor.  One more important point, obviously there are Seed-Exchanges going on and have been for years.  What we are attempting to create via the Cascadia Seed Guild is permanent Seed Exchanges via libraries-businesses etc.

Our medium-term aim is to get 5% of the arable land in the Cascadia Bioregion growing local food and beneficials by the end of 2025.

Current Resources – 2023

The main resource we have is a large seed bank and one which took 4-5 years to amass is a large, partially local, seed bank (partially local as we started with purchased seeds which are becoming more localized as time passes).

Currently we have 1,111 seed types in our collection, this is constantly in flux as seeds flow in and out.  We maintain a web-based database of these inflows-outflows-seeding-germination-transplant-harvests in a system we call Perma-ledger. 

This can be viewed here Plantings | Eugene Perma-Ledger User guest Pword !kL82xTug&

There are many parts to Perma-ledger, all talks relating to rural and urban farming can be tracked; please feel free to look around.  What you will see is that each entry has a QR code which gives us the capability to track each entry and its progress over time.

Cost Tracking – We have a living-working-changing spreadsheet here.

Re-Localizing Our Food Supplies

As time passes our far-flung food-supply systems are becoming ever more tenuous and under threat.  There are many reasons for this, climate-change for instance but also the increasingly unstable situation with global oil supplies.  Around 40% of our World food-supplies depend on fossil-fuel based fertilizer.

These maps, above, show the current convoluted food distribution system in the USA; the full article featuring the maps can be found here.

This is also an excerpt from a 2008 article on efforts to bring food-growing back locally in the Willamette Valley here in Oregon.  

“Global versus Local and Infrastructure Concerns: One of the core motives for the Bean and Grain Project is to turn our food system outside-in. Current food pathways in the United States are based almost entirely on the global market and the global food system. For increased food security and general economic balance, however, creating a local food system is a smart and common sense goal in these times of financial market instabilities, peaking oil production, and climate change uncertainties. Harry MacCormack emphasized this aspect of the Bean and Grain Project’s intentions at a presentation in January, 2008 at GloryBee Foods: “The biggest part of the paradigm shift for all of us in this room to start thinking about is instead of growing food for export from this area, to start growing food for the area right here first, and then if we grow enough, we start thinking about Portland and Seattle, and then we start thinking about the rest of the world. And that’s a huge, huge shift when we’ve been hooked into this global economy thing, for what twenty years now, where everything is flown everywhere because it’s cheaper to do that way.” In other words, it would be advantageous to change our priorities from the global market first (outside) to the local market first (inside).”

The good news is that we have wonderfully fertile soils here in the Willamette Valley.

Seed Storage

This is an important document addressing seed storage needs. “As part of conservation of plant genetic resources, long-term storage of seeds is highly relevant for genebanks. Here we present a systematic review and a meta-analysis of studies on seed longevity focusing on half-life under different storage conditions.”

Local Physical Storage

We have spent 3 – 4 years evolving a relatively low-cost storage method for our expanding seed collection here in the South Willamette Valley, OR.  What we found most suitable so far are plastic-waterproof ammunition boxes.  The cost of these is around $25.00 including seed packets which we are making from 8” x 11.5” paper, if new, we purchase at least recycled paper, please see the photographs below.

This is the paper we use with two of the smaller packets which we give out seeds via our Seed Exchanges.  More information on the Seed Exchanges will follow.

The Paper We Use And Two Exchange Sized Packets

We have two sizes of packets, for storage size, one piece of 8.5” x 11” paper makes one packet.  For the exchange package size we get two packets out  of one piece of  8.5” x 11” paper.

The current main bulk storage Ammo Cases.  Firstly the closed case.

Then a look inside.

These are the waterproof ammo boxes we use in the Seed Exchange, at Eugene Backyard Farmer in Eugene.  These contain the smaller packet size.

Here in the South Willamette Valley we buy these from Bi-Mart. This is a photograph of the complete collection in May 2022 in the first two bulk storage ammo boxes we tried out, which also were waterproof.  The one shown above is the best so far and we will remain flexible on this.

Our seeds on display at the Eugene Seed Exchange at Eugene Backyard Farmer in Eugene OR, USA.

Our Seed Collection in May 2022

Seeds As A Value Proposition

This is a recent chat series with GPT4.

“The article you mentioned highlights the challenges that commercial seed companies face due to climate change, which can lead to unpredictable growing conditions and crop failures. As a result, there has been a growing interest in artisanal and local seed production, which can help to preserve genetic diversity and ensure the availability of seeds that are adapted to local growing conditions.

I think this is an important trend that reflects a growing awareness of the importance of seed saving and the need to protect our food systems from the impacts of climate change. By supporting local seed producers and seed-saving initiatives, we can help to build more resilient and sustainable food systems that are better able to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

There are many ways to get involved in seed-saving and local agriculture, from volunteering at a community garden or farm to starting your own backyard garden. If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, I recommend checking out the resources available from *Seed Savers Exchange. They offer a wealth of information on seed-saving techniques, as well as a seed exchange program that allows you to trade seeds with other gardeners and farmers.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.”

No doubt, *Seed Savers Exchange is a great resource, however, what we have found is that growing seeds locally in local soils can have a dramatic and positive difference in seed vigour and nutritional benefit.  This a sound bite we created from a much broader article that can be found here.

Soil Block Use

There is a growing knowing that germinating 

These mats look useful

Web 2 Currently In Use – Permaledger

Permaledger was created from the open-source project farmOS, and there is a Youtube video showing where Permaledger fits in, here.

Also there is more information on farmOS which can be found here. The farmOS application was created to be a complete management system to manage a single farm. A glance at the “Logs” section gives a good insight into what is covered in farmOS.

We have been using Permaledger-farmOS for the past 4-5 years for all related tasks involved in using seeds to grow food and beneficials, in and around Eugene; here are some statistics.


      • Seeds Tracked In The System – 1,111 different varieties

      • Seeding Events  Tracked In The System – 3,281

      • Transplanting Events Tracked In The System – 398

    • Harvesting Events Tracked In The System – 513

Many more events can be tracked in Permaledger as can be seen in the Logs screenshot above.  We can upload images and also each seed in the system has a QR Code.

There is a viewer login to Pemaledger here.  User name – guest: pword !kL82xTug&

Web3 Planning

These are some guidelines from GPT4

“Creating a Web3 application stack to distribute seeds using a token-based model is an interesting concept that aligns with the principles of decentralization and sustainability. Here are some thoughts on how you can go about building a Seed Guild using the FREEOS token and The DAOscape:

1. Define the Purpose and Goals:

   – Clearly define the objectives of your Seed Guild. Are you focused on promoting biodiversity, supporting sustainable agriculture, or achieving some other environmental or social goals?

   – Set specific targets, such as the number of seeds distributed, regions covered, or impact metrics to measure success.

2. Token Utility:

   – Determine the role of the FREEOS token within the Seed Guild ecosystem. How will it be used to facilitate the distribution of seeds?

   – Consider creating a governance mechanism within The DAOscape that allows FREEOS token holders to vote on important decisions related to the Seed Guild.

3. Seed Sourcing:

   – Establish partnerships with seed banks, local farmers, or organizations involved in seed conservation to source a diverse range of seeds.

   – Ensure that seeds are ethically sourced, non-GMO, and suited for the target regions or ecosystems.

4. Distribution Mechanism:

   – Develop a decentralized platform or application (DApp) where users can request seeds, provide information about their gardening practices, and demonstrate their commitment to sustainable agriculture.

   – Utilize smart contracts to handle the distribution process, ensuring transparency and trustworthiness.

5. DAO Governance:

   – Integrate The DAOscape into the governance structure of the Seed Guild. This will allow token holders to participate in decision-making processes related to seed selection, distribution, and project funding.

   – Implement a transparent voting system where FREEOS token holders can propose and vote on initiatives, allocate resources, and manage the Seed Guild’s operations.

6. Sustainability:

   – Consider sustainability practices throughout the Seed Guild’s operations, from seed sourcing to distribution and beyond.

   – Explore partnerships with environmental organizations, research institutions, and experts to ensure the long-term success of the project.

7. Education and Outreach:

   – Develop educational materials and workshops to empower users with the knowledge and skills needed to grow and care for the distributed seeds.

   – Create a community around the Seed Guild to share experiences, tips, and best practices.

8. Metrics and Reporting:

   – Implement a transparent system for tracking the impact of the Seed Guild. Provide regular updates and reports to FREEOS token holders and the wider community on the progress and achievements.

9. Legal and Regulatory Considerations:

   – Ensure compliance with local laws and regulations regarding seed distribution, environmental initiatives, and token usage.

10. Partnerships and Funding:

    – Seek partnerships with other Web3 projects, environmental organizations, and philanthropic entities to secure additional funding and support for the Seed Guild.

Building a Seed Guild using Web3 technology and token-based incentives can be a powerful way to promote sustainability and biodiversity. However, it will require careful planning, community engagement, and a commitment to the project’s long-term success.”