Robert Bunge

4th generation Tacoma area resident. Active in outdoor recreation. Looking for community projects as I transition to retirement.

Robert Bunge

4th generation in the Tacoma area dating back to the 1880s. Teaching information technology at North Seattle College. In the past couple years I got very interested in metamodern/integral/liminal thinking. Work closely online with figures such as Lene Rachel Andersen, Gregg Henriques, Brendan Graham Dempsey, and Brandon Norgaard. Robin Lincoln Wood mentioned this organization in the context of his Regenovation project. My interest in Regenerate Cascadia is a global thinking to local action move.

Paule Wood

Paulé Wood (they/them) has a background in Human Centered Design and has been professionally designing complex systems for two decades. Storytelling is a powerful and ancient practice; they have coached and facilitated workshops to help people break out of fixed and outdated thinking using storytelling, from environmental economics to queer/trans community.

A practitioner of de-armouring and Northern European magic, they use the Wheel of the Year as a framework to navigate at many scales and have led closing rituals at events and festivals using the “Wheel of the Event” framework to help people orient to leaving sacred communal space and return to the mundane.

A maker and repairer of clothing, tools, and community and a lifelong learner, they enjoy reading, listening, and discussing topics about resistance, mutual aid, alternative governance structures, cultural anthropology, sociology, and the way things work. Paulé is on the board of Rewild Portland and gave a talk, Rewilding Loneliness, at the 7th Annual North American Rewilding Conference. They are the co-initiator of the community organization Rewild Salish Sea, part of the Rewild Alliance.


Excited to learn more!

Shawnda Clawson

The Earth Mother Intentional Community was originally founded in Midland, Texas in 1986 as a Permaculture based Cottage Enterprise Village. It evolved when the Ubuntu movement rose out of South Africa in the 90’s and found further direction with the rise of the Transition Towns movement that was born in England a few years afterward. The Resource Based Economy Movement added our internal structure which birthed our “Studio Grounds and Synergy HUB” complexes. Two separate Locations serving the entire community, yet with different objectives. We have functioned well with this infrastructure for the last 37 years, tweaking and fine-tuning as we grew.

The Studio Grounds hold the Agricultural Research Institute, Community Gardens, a Music Recording Studio, an Artisan Teaching Village, Community Library/Education Network, Community Building with Rec Room and Commercial Kitchen, outdoor stages and campgrounds with a tiny house village for private personal space, etc. The HUB, a condensed version of the Studio Grounds, was established within the City limits, and serves as Communal Living/Workspace for the Community Directors.

Over the Winter/Spring of 2022/23, our founding member, Shawnda Clawson, retired from her 35 year position as Executive Director of this amazing Community. She has now settled into spending her cherished “Golden Years” teaching these systems online. Now, rebranded as the #EarthMotherNetwork – we have joined the OneWorld.Earth Community in their goal to establish a “A Deep Beloved Community of Networks with a Global Influence “

The failure of the whole range of interlocked systems that has maintained and supported this industrial society has become crystal clear. The ecological challenges we face and where we are headed as a civilization are daunting. Together we must be the lens that critically explores the problems and creates the tools to generate resilient solutions.

We here at Earth Mother have created a Space to address these issues.

Meet Us in #TheGathering . A Year-Round, Open Arms Convergence Room Permanently Located in the OneWorld.Earth Community.

Home of the #HealTheEarthInitiative, We gather on Monday Through Friday from 2:oo – 6:oo pm CST. …. with Think Tank Conversations in the first hour, Recorded Presentations on Dedicated Topics, During the Second Hour) … with Fellowship and Networking for the Remaining Time.

Founded within the OneWorld.Earth Community under the #HealTheEarthInitiative over the “99 Days of Peace” – Our Programs Rotate Through Five (5) #HealTheEarthInitiative “Mission #Beacons” supported by the different “Branches” of the Earth Mother “Oak Tree Structure”

Monday~ “Art is Life Beacon”~ How to Heal the Earth through Art, Music and Dance, co.created by Soul Story Productions and the Artisans Teaching Village Team. #ArtIsLifeBeacon

Tuesday~ “Keepers of the Flame Beacon” ~ How to Heal the Earth through the Original Wisdom Teachings of our First Nations and Indigenous Peoples. The Seeking out of the Lost Truths and Sacred Knowledge only the “Earth Elders” Hold, humbly co.created by The New Earth Grandmothers and the Union of Nations Initiates. #KeepersOfTheFlameBeacon

Wednesday~ “Re.Genesis Beacon” ~ How to Heal the Earth through Intentional Community Networks Practicing Permaculture, Regenerative Systems and Agriculture, through the Industrial Hemp and Natural Building Revolutions, co.created by The Earth Mother Studio Team, the National Industrial Hemp Coalition Members, the Earth Mother Organics Crew, the Built for the Future Team and the Clan of the DragonFly Permaculture Guild. #ReGenesisBeacon

Thursday~ “Truth Beacon” ~ How to Heal the Earth through Showcasing Cutting Edge Change-Making Organizations and Giving Platform to the Many Voices of Truth, co.created by the Press for Truth Media Team and the New Earth Social Architects. #TruthBeacon

Friday~ “Spirit Beacon” ~ How to Heal the Earth through Spiritual Practices, Plant Medicines, Humanitarian Relief and Collective Conscious Group Intent and Action – co.created by the Sacred Space Network, the Quantum Mystics and the New Earth Integrity Team. #SpiritBeacon

Please join us in our Mission to … “Heal the Earth” … Bring Your Voice, Your Passion for Change, and Your Healing Energy.

Become part of the #EarthMotherNetwork #BeaconLibrary ”. These Recordings are circulated into the Earth Mother Network’s Social Media platforms and stored in Open Source Cloud Space for Public Access and Re.Stream.
The Gathering Convergence Room . Zoom ID Link:

To Join the Earth Mother Network Space on OneWorld … please click here ~

We Humbly Acknowledge that The Earth Mother Intentional Community Resides on the Traditional Lands of the Tigua, Kickapoo and Lipan Apache – First Nations People. We Pay Our Respect to Elders Both Past and Present.
~ In Lak’ech Ala K’in

Tex Albert

Tex (Jude Gérard) Albert, originally from the Republic of Seychelles Indian Ocean, is on the verge of completing seven decades in cosmic orbit around the Sun. I am the eldest of seven siblings, father of four daughters, grandfather of four grandchildren. Currently I hail from the island-city of Laval in Québec, Canada.

I consider myself an Apprentice of Co-Creative Presencing, Trusting Synergistic Emerging Coherences. A Lucid Idealist, I am confident and hopeful that, as we live with Reverential Humility evoked by our Deeptime Perspective, we can effectively collaborate in solidarity for the common, even higher, good. Wisdom keys from various traditions can help unlock our Alchemic potential and tend our Love Fusion Generator in the now.

Bill Aal

OG bioregionalist, Justice Activist luve on. the east side. Practicioner of Open Space and other tools for change

Corey Buttry

I live in Portland, OR, on the traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Bands of Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River, and I work as an Urban Planner for the City of Seattle, on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Coast Salish peoples. I like to consider myself a resident and steward of the Cascadia Bioregion.

My interests include urban planning, ecological restoration, sustainable design, queer culture, psychology, teaching and facilitation, storytelling, social justice, animal liberation, and ritual art. I would like to devote more energy into my work in community, urban, event, space, and ritual design, but I struggle to find sustainable ways to do this work in a capitalist framework. My hope is that participation in this group will help me to realize my dream of a more compassionate and interconnected society.

Darren Zal

I live in Victoria, BC. I am inspired by the bioregional way of living and am grateful to live in such a beautiful place here on Vancouver Island. I want to build a flourishing and resilient life for myself and my community, in balance with the natural world we depend upon. I like the cosmo-local philosophy of combining global networking technologies for sharing knowledge and coordination at higher levels while cultuaviting a strong local community and economy.