Regenerate Cascadia Updates: August 28th, 2024

This week, we have exciting updates including updates from the Outreach and Onboarding, BioFi, Hubs, and Website! Stay tuned.

Much is happening at Regenerate Cascadia between the bi-weekly zoom calls!  In this post you will find information on the following:

  • Works in progress: outreach and onboarding materials; an asset library
  • Infrastructure for a Regenerate Cascadia BioFi project
  • Meetings with potential hubs
  • Website updates
  • Cool resources

Outreach and Onboarding Materials and an Asset Library
Regenerate Cascadia is in the process of developing outreach and onboarding materials.  A one-pager that describes what Regenerate Cascadia is and is focused on is soon to become available. This can be used in gatherings, for community events and for talking points.  A second educational document is being developed that will focus on bioregionalism, what is meant by regeneration and more.  This document will help people with little to no knowledge become aware of the movement.  Along with this process the logistics of materials-copyrights, the look and feel of the materials, size, costs, etc… are getting discussed.  This will help the next materials go much faster!  We are also in the early stages of setting up an asset library of images and resources we can all use to represent Regenerate Cascadia.  If you have ideas on materials you would like to use, please bring your ideas to the Thursday zoom calls or email! 

Infrastructure for a Regenerate Cascadia BioFi Project
Regenerate Cascadia aims to manage a Bioregional Financing Facility and landscape fund that can be distributed and allocated into the landscape, as dictated by regenerators in the landscape doing the work. Brandon Letsinger and Clare Atwell are engaging Taya Seidler, who is an independent consultant with her company Process Power. She works with Edward West, and now Samantha Power as part of the BioFi project. Taya will help develop the robust processes and infrastructure needed for a solid BioFi project.  Stay tuned as more develops.

Brandon Letsinger gave a 10-minute presentation for the BioFi community of practice. David Haenke wants a bioregional congresses. It was a really good conversation with a great collection of people. 

Meetings with Potential Hubs
Hubs are starting to get developed-some in early stages (perhaps start as a case study?) and others perhaps a bit further along!  Brandon Letsinger, Clare Atwell and Tanja Woitascyk met with Nicole with  Newledo Hub on the Oregon coast.  They are exploring the Newledo Hub being of the first applicants of our Fiscal Sponsorship program!

Folks on Saltspring Island in British Columbia are interested in getting involved with Regenerate Cascadia and have interest in developing a hub. Brandon Letsinger, Clare Atwell and Tanja Woitascyk met with Patricia and Benjamin from Saltspring Island to explore what this might look like. 

Larry Green on San Juan Island met with Brandon Letsinger to talk about a San Juan hub and a media centre at Fort Warden as a case study or as part of the Port Townsend Hub.    Exploring options!

Website Updates

So much is happening with the website-check these out:

  • Fixed 404 error for logins going to welcome group, rather than User dashboard.
  • Popup is fixed.
  • Developed Offers and Needs Form, and Directory for submissions for Affiliates, Allies, Partner organizations, taxonomies and role permissions of each.
  •  Brandon got the miro board working.
  • Database diagram, with taxonomies, and categories very specific to each form , and how they relate to each other.
  • Resource directory, and media guild submissions. Newsletter submissions etc.
  • Will get the front page cleaned up and ready, for public facing information. Federated grant application which will probably start in the next couple weeks.

Cool Resources!

  • Youtube Video: Should We Rearrange the World’s Borders According to Nature?  Featuring Brandon Letsinger and Isabel Carlisle in Devon, UK!! Great explanation of Bioregionalism!
  • Cool Bioregioning resource cards.  Check out these cool cards, visuals and text to educate and explain what Bioregionalism is!  These can be printed out and cut into cards or printed as a poster! 

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About the Author

"to create the conditions for a regenerative movement to thrive."

Regenerate Cascadia is a 501(c)3 nonprofit program of the Department of Bioregion. All gifts are tax deductible. ©2024 Regenerate Cascadia.