Please Help Us Collect Data For A Learning Assets Inventory By Listing Current Opportunities That You Know Of In Your Area.

We, the Bioregional Education Guild, are developing a searchable online database or learning opportunities in our Cascadia bioregion that will support our regenerative work. Please add learning assets (ways to learn and share the knowledge or skills, both social and ecological) that are necessary to regenerate a bioregion.

Information is Limited Here

The idea is to give enough information to know how to inquire for more details to see whether it meets users needs. For example, list a specific program at a school, but not every class available. Identify an online library, not every article they publish. The asset may be an individual knowledge holder (or yourself).

Use Fields below. If this is an individual, please clear with them how they want to be contacted or state this still needs to happen (info only).
Individual or institution name.
Describe Other below.

Thank you for your contribution!

This is a project of the Cascadia Bioregional Education Guild. Contact us at education (at ) or find our page and group forum here.

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