Christian Monroe

I recently moved to Portland from Denver at the start of last September although I’ve been all around the Cascadia region since I was really young, lots of hiking and outdoors stuff at national parks made me really fall in love with the PNW as a whole and I’m happy I finally got to move here. I’ve been a huge environmentalist and progressive since I was about 16 and now at the age of 22 I’m trying to reach out and help groups that represent my ideals and passions for both the planet and the people that live on it. I am very willing to learn all that I can and assist in anyway I can with preserving our forests and helping our people.

Andra Vltavín

I am a climate activist with a background in creative reuse running for Portland City Council in District 4. I have read Braiding Sweetgrass, My Grandmother’s Hands, Breaking Together, Mutual Aid, and many other books to try to help me understand the depth of the crisis we are in and how to help in an intersectional way. I am a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and a Neighborhood Emergency Team member through Portland.

Megan Kupko

I live in the Johnson Creek Watershed on Clackamas tribal land on 1/2 acre by the name of Brookwild Sanctuary. I am a land steward, nature loving educator and mother of 4 children. I am drawn to spiritual connections with the land and excited to build community as people of place. I teach at PSU and work with youth as a garden educator and have my Masters in Sustainability Education.

Jude Abrams

The spiritual practises and relationships with the rest of nature that have been honoured and kept alive by indigenous people nurture and inform my life and give me hope. I have been an enviro and social equity activist for decades. Sound is a big part of my awareness as a musician, songwriter, sound designer and recordist. The aquatic worlds especially rivers, estuaries and the ocean are home.

Lyra Star

I am a Reiki Master, Master Gardener, Tea Brew Master and social re-engineer. I write blogs, articles, and books on all types of subjects. I develop social games for positive connection and collaboration.

Alex Slakie

I run Flora Northwest, a small business that supplies willow live stakes, seeds, and plants to habitat projects in Cascadia. I’m also starting a small farm to produce regenerative lamb and pork. I’m passionate about all things ecological.

Catherine Kerr

Retired book editor (regional nonfiction) and media manager for public education projects. Created and managed 2016-2019 the website of an Ocean Foundation project promoting watershed conservation for the World Heritage site off Baja California called in English Loreto Bay.

Paule Wood

Paulé Wood (they/them) has a background in Human Centered Design and has been professionally designing complex systems for two decades. Storytelling is a powerful and ancient practice; they have coached and facilitated workshops to help people break out of fixed and outdated thinking using storytelling, from environmental economics to queer/trans community.

A practitioner of de-armouring and Northern European magic, they use the Wheel of the Year as a framework to navigate at many scales and have led closing rituals at events and festivals using the “Wheel of the Event” framework to help people orient to leaving sacred communal space and return to the mundane.

A maker and repairer of clothing, tools, and community and a lifelong learner, they enjoy reading, listening, and discussing topics about resistance, mutual aid, alternative governance structures, cultural anthropology, sociology, and the way things work. Paulé is on the board of Rewild Portland and gave a talk, Rewilding Loneliness, at the 7th Annual North American Rewilding Conference. They are the co-initiator of the community organization Rewild Salish Sea, part of the Rewild Alliance.


Excited to learn more!