Youngblood Robin

Robin Youngblood is a Wisdom Keeper who has traveled the world sharing the perspectives, values and wisdom of her indigenous Coastal and Inland Salish peoples.

Dawn Szombathy

I’m a transplant from Austin, Texas. Happy to be here, connect with like minded folks and collaborate. Hoping to one day buy into a shared land community and establish an awesome little village with co-collaborators utilizing regenerative systems.

Rose Madrone

Working at the intersection of community building, filmmaking, sustainability, and education, Rose has created some effective tools with which to reinforce the importance of understanding how interconnected our world really is. Her film series of shorts, Connectivity Project, weaves together voice such as Fritjof Capra, Indigenous Wisdom Keepers, scientists, activists, and much more, empowering an understanding that our actions indeed make a huge difference in the world. Along with curricula that accompanies this work, schools and focus groups from 5th grade through adulthood have benefited from the conversations that are sparked by the this deeper way of understanding.
She is seeking ways for these films to be useful in the world, so please reach out if you want to learn more.
You can see the trailers on the website.

With a background in Botany, Herbal Medicine and sustainability, a sense of place has always been forefront, informing her actions. She has taken that sense of place and the importance of understanding how our actions impact others, and created tools to inspire awe, interconnections and a sense of responsibility.

Amber Kennedy

I am a student of environmental stewardship and striving everyday to learn more about how I can be a part of the movement to search for our place as humans beside the animals that have occupied Earth far longer then we have. I enjoy envisioning a future that utilizes modern technology and embraces the natural world in such a way that it builds our character to become stewards, seek peace within our culture to minimize economical gain and focus on internal development.

Guy Prouty

I am a member of the Prout Institute located in Eugene, Oregon and a yogic meditation teacher (acharya) for Ananda Seva (

Niall Motson

Co-steward of White Lotus Farm & Inn, nestled at the headwaters of Ludlow and Chimacum creeks at the heart of Beaver Valley in Chimacum, WA. Land, water, perennial and animal caretaker, place based educator, connective event coordinator, farm stay host, regional networker and weaver.


My name is Aviathar and I am an “institutionalized communitarian” . This means that I have lived in different community systems over a 45 year period. ( Im 69). I am presently the president of The Evergreen Land trust listed below. We have five urban properties and three rural ones. This includes Prag Farm 20 acres in Snohomish county( A vital part of the Tilth movement), River Farm 65 plus acres in Whatcom county, and my home Walker creek in Skagit county. Looking forward to seeing the direction this movement goes.
Aviathar Pemberton