Tex Albert

Tex (Jude Gérard) Albert, originally from the Republic of Seychelles Indian Ocean, is on the verge of completing seven decades in cosmic orbit around the Sun. I am the eldest of seven siblings, father of four daughters, grandfather of four grandchildren. Currently I hail from the island-city of Laval in Québec, Canada.

I consider myself an Apprentice of Co-Creative Presencing, Trusting Synergistic Emerging Coherences. A Lucid Idealist, I am confident and hopeful that, as we live with Reverential Humility evoked by our Deeptime Perspective, we can effectively collaborate in solidarity for the common, even higher, good. Wisdom keys from various traditions can help unlock our Alchemic potential and tend our Love Fusion Generator in the now.

Jiro Isetani

I am interested in making things which are more existing than war and simultaneously more regenerative than peace.

Forest Berg

Director of Greenearthcity.org, I’m working on several projects for regenerative land development.

Kate Clark

I’m an integrative health educator. I’m all about disease prevention though self care and planetary stewardship. I love food. I love to eat! I love my home, Planet Earth. I love to garden, sprout, ferment, preserve and make food! I also have other homemaking skills. I love to educate and share love.

Michael Fenter

Born and raised in Oregon. Built a family farm on the Olympic Peninsula. Received my Permaculture Design Certificate at Compass Rose Farms.
Working on Intentional Community and Sociacracy while building mutual aid networks in the Portland Metro area.

Corey Buttry

I live in Portland, OR, on the traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Bands of Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River, and I work as an Urban Planner for the City of Seattle, on the unceded ancestral lands of the Duwamish and Coast Salish peoples. I like to consider myself a resident and steward of the Cascadia Bioregion.

My interests include urban planning, ecological restoration, sustainable design, queer culture, psychology, teaching and facilitation, storytelling, social justice, animal liberation, and ritual art. I would like to devote more energy into my work in community, urban, event, space, and ritual design, but I struggle to find sustainable ways to do this work in a capitalist framework. My hope is that participation in this group will help me to realize my dream of a more compassionate and interconnected society.

Jessica Izutsu

I’m a conservation and restoration science major at uw bothell and I’ve lived in this area my whole life. I currently live in bothell with my mother, my partner, his adult daughter, and our animals but we are looking to buy a place up north with some land so that we can put my learning to use.

Anita Higgins

passionate about community/culture building, tending songs and gardens, definitely a Weird Mom, struggling to exist in this meat suit, lover of ~revelrous~ play (impractical joy) and conversation that spirals us to the depths from which we build new worlds.

Formal training in Ecological Restoration at UW, now approaching restoration with an emphasis on restoring human relationship with the land as a part of a larger cultural shift.
Been running the internship program at the Songaia for the last 6 years, where we experiment with a variety of regenerative practices in the context of an intentional community and our shared garden.

Hannah Kullberg

This is my official bio, on a personal level I am passionate about ritual, connection with spirit, the land. I get inspired by astrology and human design, my starting to study biodynamics. I work in food systems.

Hannah is a food startup connector and project catalyst with the mission to collectively build an equitable, regenerative, resilient, regional food system. With a background in co-founding and scaling a natural products business from farmers markets to national distribution, she works specifically with packaged food entrepreneurs. As host of PNW Packaged Food & Beverage Group, a resource sharing network and co-founder of Community Co-Pack, a community-centered run contract-manufacturer, she helps emerging businesses navigate launch and growth. She hosts bi-monthly community conversations on topics relevant to the community’s needs and interests, always elevating a more sustainable approach to business.

Hannah studied food systems at Vassar College and completed Lift Economy’s Next Economy MBA program. She lives on an organic farm in Silverton Oregon that she tends with her family.

Daniel Holeman

Visionary artist and Permaculture enthusiast. Starting development of 10-acre off-grid eco-community.