Shannon Welles

Shannon Welles is a thoughtful arts professional who has worked with deep passion for 25 years in the live music sector. She is a visual artist with a…

Frank Sanborn

Tech Nerd to Disaster Nerd to Regenerative Responder. Site Steward in training, host of fossil fuel free group camping infrastructure classes.

Bridget Smith

Professional background in building codes and design. Involvement with permaculture groups and sustainable Ballard.

K Forrayi

I am a teacher and student, lifelong Cascadia resident and mother of two.

Mary Bush

I’m here mostly to listen, learn, and be adjacent to this community. My family moved here, from Louisiana, when I was a baby; I’ve grown up and ma…

Zaylan Jacobsen

I am a Cascadian who loves the mountains of Cascadia and works in technology in Seattle

Jodi Meadows

Dreamseed is an arts collective and retreat center offering natural spaces to host healers, artists, yoga instructors, ceremony guides and teachers to…