Bioregional Education Guild Group Event page

Bioregional Learning-Group Formation-Weavers Guild Meeting

Bioregional Education Guild of the Regenerate Cascadia had a Weavers of new group discussion exploration. How do we become a cohesive effective group?

AI Summary:
The meeting on Dec. 28th 2023 discussed the formation of a new group focused on bioregional education, with Brandon proposing a structure for the group. The team also discussed hosting regular educational sessions and symposiums, and the idea of a self-guided course on bioregional education. They emphasized the importance of clear protocols for hosting events, marketing strategies, data collection, and the need for multiple eyes to review important matters. The team also touched on their personal commitments and challenges of coordinating efforts across multiple scales.

Collaborative Project Management System

The meeting discussed the relationship between two groups collaborating on a project. Paul suggested a system where one group, led by Brandon, manages the website and another group, which includes themselves, creates content and manages a bulletin board (Discussion Forum). Both groups would need to communicate and seek consent when making decisions that affect both. Clare Strawn emphasized the importance of decentralizing infrastructure and prioritizing goals. Doris Olivers suggested the need for a feedback process to assess what’s working and what’s not. Clare Attwell highlighted the importance of having a hybrid system where a centralized nonprofit supports the infrastructure while also receiving feedback from users.

About Bioregional Education Guild (and this post):

  • Learn more about the Bioregional Education Guild on this page and join the group discussion forums here.
  • I, Julie made this post and would love feedback. I used Zoom’s AI Summary, Collaborative Project Management System and Next Steps. The actual human written content is way more interesting so do click through to the Page and Group links. Come talk to us in the Group Discussions (now on the website – not Telegram or not JUST Telegram). Do you all want me to post a link to the Transcript?
  •  I linked the feedback above to the new Website Tech Support And Feedback Discussion (forum) thread. 

Next Steps

  • Paul will create a dummy page for the Guild and send it to Clare and Doris via email.
  • Quinn will take the lead on the open space event and discuss logistics with John.
  • Clare will circulate the survey to gather data on the community’s perspective on education.
  • Brandon and Clare will work on creating a bioregional education 101 course.
  • Clare and Quinn will discuss and decide on a date for the event.
  • Brandon will ensure Claire has permissions to add to the calendar.
  • Clare and Quinn will follow up on the conference stuff.
  • Quin will send the document with the phone number and contact information to Clare.
  • Clare will try to ensure the recording of the meeting gets uploaded to YouTube. (Julie did this).
  • Quinn, Clare, and Brandon will have a call to discuss the relationship between Regenerate Cascadia and Regenerate Portland.

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"to create the conditions for a regenerative movement to thrive."

Regenerate Cascadia is a 501(c)3 nonprofit program of the Department of Bioregion. All gifts are tax deductible. ©2024 Regenerate Cascadia.