2025 Case Study Proposals


Regenerate Cascadia has a unique opportunity to secure substantial funding from a foundation interested in providing seed funding for our organization. More than just a single request, Cascadia is a prime candidate for creating a funding ecosystem for strategic, bioregional development and change. The foundation seeks to invest in long-term relationships with recipients, viewing Regenerate Cascadia as a critical player in regenerating landscapes by connecting funders to the people dedicated to this work.

We invite the Regenerate Cascadia Community to participate in this sensemaking process to ensure their needs are included in our next strategic grant submission.

2025 Federated Grant Application:

Highlighting Inspirational Stories of Regeneration

If you a member of the Regenerate Cascadia community and are doing innovate, regenerative work that needs to be visualized or supported, then we invite you to submit a Case Study that we can include in our 2025 Regenerate Cascadia Grant Application and Funding Request, which we will be submitting in March. 

We invite you to submit case studies of regenerative projects happening across Cascadia to showcase and highlight the incredible work being done in our bioregion. Whether you are involved in community-led conservation, sustainable agriculture, watershed restoration, or innovative social enterprises, we want to hear your story. Your case study will contribute to a growing body of knowledge that celebrates and amplifies the diverse efforts to regenerate our landscapes, cultures, and communities. By sharing your experiences, challenges, and successes, you will help inspire others and contribute to a collective vision for a thriving Cascadia. 

Ultimately, we will use this proposal to identify our needs for growing Hubs and Guilds and the infrastructure necessary to create a broader Bioregional Financing Facility which will connect larger funding streams to regenerative communities and projects.

Case Study Interest Form

If a group, please list at least two people. These can change as new people become involved, or as the group decides.
By submitting this interest form, you agree to our Community Agreements. This includes respecting RC values and principles, our org policies as agreed by the Board of Directors of the Department of Bioregion, and to treat fellow RC community members with respect and compassion. If conflict does arise, you agree to use the conflict resolution steps if needed.

Make Sure Your Voice and Story are Included

The primary outcome of this process is creating a shared narrative document for Regenerate Cascadia, which will bring together the stories and experiences of regenerators and conservationists stepping up to protect areas at risk within their communities. This document aims to highlight, showcase, and interview more than one hundred regenerators and conservationists, offering an in-depth view of the local regenerative work across Cascadia. 

Final Case Studies should include:

  1. Project Overview: Provide a clear and concise description of your project, including its purpose, goals, and the specific regenerative work you are undertaking.

  2. Team Information: Include team pictures and biographies of the core members involved in the project. Highlight their backgrounds, roles, and contributions to the initiative.

  3. Significance: Explain why your project matters for long-term regeneration in your bioregion. Discuss its impact on local ecosystems, communities, and cultures, and how it contributes to a broader vision of sustainability and resilience.

  4. Relevance to Regenerate Cascadia: Detail why your project is particularly relevant to the goals and values of Regenerate Cascadia. Describe how it aligns with our mission to regenerate landscapes and foster bioregional resilience.

  5. Core Design Challenges: Identify the main challenges you’ve encountered in your work. Explain the obstacles and design challenges that have shaped your approach and how you’ve navigated them.

  6. Replicability: Discuss how the lessons learned from your project could be applied or adapted by others. What aspects of your work could serve as a model for similar initiatives in other regions?

  7. Support Needs: Outline what you need to do this work more effectively. This might include resources, partnerships, funding, or other forms of support that could help you overcome challenges and scale your impact. How can people get involved?

Including these elements will provide a comprehensive view of your project and help us showcase the vital work being done across Cascadia.


October 15, 2024

If you would like to be a part of our 2025 Funding Request, fill out the interest form.

Afterwards, you will receive an invitation for a 1:1 meeting. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and will be notified by November 1st, 2024.


October 15: Interest Form Deadline

  • Fill out the interest form. 
  • Have a 1:1 onboarding session with Regenerate Cascadia. 
  • You will be formally invited to apply, and provided the application link by November 1st.

November 1: Acceptance Notifications

  • Case Study Applicants will be reviewed in the order they are received, with the latest notifications happening by November 1st. 
  • Hub and Guild steward teams can also submit case studies for projects relevant to their area or topic. 
  • A certain number of case studies will be featured in our funding document. 

December 15: Case Studies Due

  • A template will be provided for all case study applicants. Case Studies are due by December 15th. 
  • Information is collected and drafted into a Collective Impact Funding document.

March: Cascadia Online Summit

  • Regenerate Cascadia report backs from Guilds, Hubs and Leadership teams.