Regenerate Cascadia Weekly Website Meeting Notes

During the website meeting, we discussed several different things, including the primary purpose of the website, the potential for exploring other networks, and Paule’s beginning to conduct a User Research […]

Information and Update Session 4.18.24

In the our monthly Regenerate Cascadia Update Session, Clare Attwell and Brandon discussed changes in their approach to update sessions, the significance of a Novo Foundation Grant for Regenerate Cascadia, […]

03/12/2024 Website Meeting

In our weekly website meeting, we talked about the website survey, creating an under-construction banner on the website, proper protocol and needs for filing blog post-report-backs, hiring a WordPress developer and interviews, pausing to do a website assessment with needs, integrating the needs into an Asana board, how we create a group, then we did a walkthrough of how to create a buddy boss group, and finally, decided to break up the website meeting into a 1hr discussion, and then a 1hr tutorial based around a small, simple project each week.

Welcome To The Cascadia Seed Guild

How can we use seeds to help Regenerate Cascadia?  By working together in holistic ways to create a barter-exchange-trading system based around seeds.  Our objective is not to detrimentally impact […]