03/12/2024 Website Meeting

In our weekly website meeting, we talked about the website survey, creating an under-construction banner on the website, proper protocol and needs for filing blog post-report-backs, hiring a WordPress developer and interviews, pausing to do a website assessment with needs, integrating the needs into an Asana board, how we create a group, then we did a walkthrough of how to create a buddy boss group, and finally, decided to break up the website meeting into a 1hr discussion, and then a 1hr tutorial based around a small, simple project each week.

View the recording of the meeting at: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/V-OHg2Gwdqkl4AINw3rAzI5f1lRA6ksLzWpbvXyUVQcAjD2TuCV4rngpPdUKm4s8.ejeH9gNLoP-UVHI6
Passcode: z10^y^3$

Things to note:

Post a notice in a prominent place on the website that states:

This website is being co-created by the brilliant folks that make up some of the RC community. We prioritize designing around the unique needs of communities, as they themselves explore what is needed through this digital platform. As such this is a website under construction. Eventually this will turn this into a slick digital platform, able to run at the speed of light, – in the meantime, we thank you for your patience as we build this rocket-ship.

Meeting notes:

  1. Paule & Clare will postpone work on UEx Survey till after March 16th Update and Visioning session. This will be done through a group tutorial.  UEx q?When you access the RC website, what works well for you? What drives you crazy about the RC website? If you waved a magic wand, what would you do to the website?
  2. Comments on website notice – listed above – Brandon to post prominently on the website’s front page. This will be done through a group tutorial. 
  3. Brandon met with a WordPress developer and will fund for now through DOB. $50/hr—5 hours per week.
  4. Do a website review in a post with the developmental process. Engage users in the conversation about what to focus on so that the build reflects what is needed
  5. Explore using holochain to create a decentralized network for say the Seed bank – sacrifice digital speed for resilience of the system, that is not dependent on WWW. Steven Morris & Mike Brunt to explore
  6. Newsfeed needs to be what comes up first on website, rather than the ‘discussion thread’. Flagging for group website tutorial.
  7. Brandon is creating the website review document here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17k72sG4r02LOBqkUxK7cUmwcpl2M_sQPMhBdTfTasVc/edit?usp=sharing
  8. RGV Needs to have a Group Page. Clare to invite Tanja and RGV Hub to a website planning/design meeting. Flagging for a group website tutorial.


  • It is suggested that the WordPress staff attend the Tuesday Web meeting to interface with this team, hear what’s needed, etc.
  • We need an internal organizing system for an image library
  • We need a very simple process for meeting report backs. Simple template needs to be developed and made easily accessible.
  • Host a meeting. Need a notetaker. Need the Host Key. Need to post the Google Doc notes with the Zoom link on the same blog meeting report back
  • New groups need to define themselves as a regenerative culture as basic criteria to be included on website. Nesting scale of groups so that boundaries are discreet, but other boundaries may be nested.
  • Miro Board link from the RC Web site “organizer dashboard” it replaces the RC Web rather than opening in a new window or tab. Should be new tab to keep the RC Web site available to easily return to.

At 11:30 – 12pm, the group used the request from Jan Inglis to set up a new Buddyboss group, and added it to the Menu. 
Require groups setting up a Buddy Boss group fill in an application, and attach an image of a map with a rough boundary of the area they are serving.

How do these systems help people better connect in person.

People liked the new structure of including a tutorial after the initial meeting. Web Meeting structure: first 60 mins discussion. Last half hour is a tutorial if there is something to do. Decided by all
Make sure to stop & restart recording during meeting to keep tutorial separate for archiving ease of use for the tutorials

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