Course Information

Start: June 4-July 16 2024
Days: Tuesday
Time: 4:00pm-5:30pm
Cost: $75 (normally $300)
Time Expectation: 2 hrs a Week.

Register Here

By signing up here, we are offering to cover the cost of 75% of your course, normally $300. To get this benefit, please use the following form, and all needed materials will be set up for you using the email provided.

Price: $75.00

About the host

Paul Atkins

ProSocial World Cofounder & Vice President

Paul Atkins is a researcher, speaker, and facilitator trainer. He is a Visiting Associate Professor with the Crawford School of Public Policy (Australian National University). His research has focused on interventions to reduce stress while enhancing relationships, well-being, perspective-taking, and cooperation in groups and organizations. Paul is a registered organizational psychologist with a Ph.D. in Psychology from Cambridge University.
He is the lead author of the recently published book Prosocial: Using Evolutionary Science to Build Productive, Equitable, and Collaborative Groups and co-founder and Vice President of Prosocial World, a not for profit organization focused on enhancing cooperation and trust in purpose-driven groups globally.

Becoming Prosocial

Building Trust and Collaboration in our Groups and Networks

INTRODUCTORY LEVEL. Everyone is invited!

Led by Paul Atkins, co-founder of ProSocial World

This guided learning journey will introduce the basics of the ProSocial method as an applied change process and welcome participants into our growing global ProSocial Commons community. This course provides weekly peer-group meetings to discuss, explore and deepen the work. Participants will be supported in identifying and working on their particular collaborative needs and goals.  

The normal cost of this course is $300. We have partnered with ProSocial World to offer a 75% discount and scholarship.

The course will blend of theory and practice, beginning by creating shared contexts of ideas, language, models, and frameworks.  This will flow into the self-organizing of participants into cohorts that work in their own landscapes to apply what they learn in real-world settings. 

Becoming Prosocial explores the following questions:

  • ‍How can we build more trust and collaboration in the groups and networks we care about?
  • How can we work together to make the difference we are striving for?

For our Regenerate Cascadia cohort, we will also be examining: 

In this course, we will look at:

  • Developing a shared language around decentralized collaboration and cooperation
  • Building collaborative movements
  • Sharing tools and templates that are useful
    for having complex conversations
  • Core design principles for managing a commons in practice

‍Together, we will work through the first 7 modules of the Intro to ProSocial course together.

The main objective of this experience is:

  • To practice psychological flexibility and listening in community
  • To get a taste of the prosocial community of practice for the 7 weeks we are together
  • To empower us all to improve our groups and communities

The ProSocial model is designed to enhance self-awareness, responsiveness and collaboration by making use of ideas drawn from cultural evolutionary theory, Elinor Ostrom’s Nobel prize-winning design principles for groups, and the contemplative and behavioral sciences. Central are three core processes:‍

Each week, you will be invited to review a half hour of content on your own as well as join an hour and a half long call with peers to engage in dialogue and practice in small groups.

Beyond the 7-week experience, there will be opportunities for you to  pursue your interests within the ProSocial Commons. 

At the end of the course, you will have a broad understanding of our approach for enhancing relationships with each other and you will have joined a global community of people using ProSocial to make a difference. If you want to start learning about what ProSocial is and how it can aid your work in an applied and meaningful way, this is your next step.

Learning Objectives

  • Growing Personally – enhance your capacity to be present and responsive to your needs and values
  • Helping Groups – learn and practice the basics of a new, evidence-based and very practical method for enhancing trust and collaboration in groups
  • Creating Support Networks – Join a cohort of peers tackling similar challenges and are willing to serve as an ongoing support network
  • Collaborating – Have a meaningful experience collaborating in a safe and trusting environment