Co-Founder for the Design School for Regenerating Earth. In the Design School for Regenerating Earth, we host online courses on organizational development, landscape restoration, and cooperation. One of our main focuses in the school is facilitating learning exchanges between bioregions doing ecosystem restoration and working to create local living economies in their landscapes. We help to weave dialogues within and between bioregions, and we provide shared language, shared tools, and resources for organizing for regeneration at the landscape scale.

My work as co-founder includes managing operational activities, finances, administration, technical support, and customer service for the school. In addition, I bring to the school my expertise in project management, community development, prosocial facilitation, biodynamic healing and trauma resolution, unified science, integral philosophy, and regenerative practice. With my comprehensive background in business, finance and project management, I bring a unique combination of heart and organizational expertise to the school.In the Design School for Regenerating Earth, we host online courses on organizational development, landscape restoration, and cooperation. One of our main focuses in the school is facilitating learning exchanges between bioregions doing ecosystem restoration and working to create local living economies in their landscapes. We help to weave dialogues within and between bioregions, and we provide shared language, shared tools, and resources for organizing for regeneration at the landscape scale. My work as co-founder includes managing operational activities, finances, administration, technical support, and customer service for the school. In addition, I bring to the school my expertise in project management, community development, prosocial facilitation, biodynamic healing and trauma resolution, unified science, integral philosophy, and regenerative practice. With my comprehensive background in business, finance and project management, I bring a unique combination of heart and organizational expertise to the school.