My personal calling is to champion inclusive and regenerative living systems across all scales. Over the years I have devoted myself to supporting bioregioning and other regenerative / sustainable projects and initiatives around the globe and to supporting the inner development and resilience of change-makers, communities, teams and organizations.

I facilitate Regenerative Constellations on environmental, social, economic, organizational, ancestral and leadership / personal issues on all continents, live and online. ‘Constellating Cascadia – supporting bioregioning across all scales’ is the project I want to devote myself to in 2024/2025.

My support of bioregional and other regenerative initiatives comes from a deep sense of being in service to the earth and the common good – my motivation since I was 16 years of age – and from an intention to give back, so all my Regenerative Constellation work and Human Potential coaching of changemakers around the globe I offer for free.

As an international coach for leaders, change-makers, teams and organizations I am passionate about developing conscious, embodied and regenerative leadership, working with (eco)systemic dynamics across all scales and facilitating transformation and culture change.

Besides 20+ years of (eco)systemic coaching education and experience, I bring 15 years of experience in staff and leadership positions with the University of Groningen and Dutch Government.

I am nurtured by nature, art and poetry and I love to dance, also with the paradoxes of life.

Please reach out to me at . My new website is under construction.