amy painter

I am a transplant from the east coast, and couldn’t be more delighted to call the PNW home. I have always loved farms, plants, nature, and animals of all kinds. I’d like to learn as much about regenerative agricultural practices as I can, and hope to own a farm/animal rescue/sanctuary one day. Also available to volunteer to help someone with their land/practices and to learn.

Muneeb Kalenandi

My career as a DV/SA Social Worker/Admin ended with a car accident, and then being struck by a car 2 years later, as a pedestrian. Lifelong environmentalist and social justice activist. Currently severely disabled, but active on citizen boards and commissions with Metro and City of Beaverton. Former Co-Chair of Unite Oregon Washington County Leadership Council.

K Forrayi

I am a teacher and student, lifelong Cascadia resident and mother of two.

Margo Martinez

I am an Education and Earth advocate. At this point in my learning journey I am trying to better understand how to live in harmony with nature, learning from others who have been on that journey longer than I have. I also have a background in technology and organization. I am passionate about the ocean as well and have volunteered for ocean education programs. I am also passionate about the arts as a beginner musician and volunteer in several arts related projects and non profits.

Cindy Bjorklund

Retired retired park ranger naturalist master gardener regional ecotourism expert.
Owns and operates Childs Creek farm arts and ecology gardens. Planted and maintained Skagit County’s first conservation reserve enhancement project started along Childs creek in the middle Skagit Valley. 1999…much more support for local conservation organizations and community.

jay bowen

i am a full time artist, scultper, writing , jewelry, painter, and public speaker on environmental issues and and cross cultural commincations.