Virginia Ayers

Elder, lived on an island without electricity 14 years; returned to urban life to be near grown children and to advocate for permaculture and regeneration of ecosystems

Megan in Vancouver

Having long exercised intentional community and chosen family, and now with grown children, I think anew about how daily life can better match my values and how to explore this across generations. My work-for-pay focus started in AI and linguistics then migrated to sustainable economic development, which led me to green building in Pittsburgh, and to salmon and watershed restoration in BC. Did some work in healthcare, some training in ecological restoration. Now, rather than participate in work-for-pay, I pursue my interests in permaculture, soil restoration, earth-based spirituality, and bioregionalizing. The places I have called home: now Vancouver BC and before that Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Boston, Providence, Hagerstown MD and St Louis. Plus I have touched some other good places by traveling.

Marylou Hardy

Sunshine Coast based -work at the intersection of nature, tech, monetary reform, art and community. Interested beyond the visible.

Darlene Gering

I am passionate about creating a regenerative new economy that empowers women and underrepresented populations. I love collaborating with kindred spirits to create new models for communities and the planet to thrive. Currently I’m on a journey to discover how my business and social impact background can best serve the future we are co-creating. My skills include scaling up organizations based on new models of operating. I’m keen to learn and collaborate with this community!