Transition Fidalgo

WE began in 2006 as Beat the Heat then joined the Transition Town movement in 2011. Our focus is on building community resilience through offering projects that enroll community members to volunteer to do the projects. For last 3 years we have facilitated the Garden to Kitchen Classes at the middle school, Share the Bounty boxes spring to fall, (provides free organic food to the community at large via donations from private gardeners and the school gardens), Forest Monitoring, part of a regional project coordinated by Dave Peterson of UW, and this year we began the Seed Share library at our public library. We just hired a part time program coordinator who we hope will find grants to support her in a full time position. We have a board of 7 members, who drive the decision making for TF (many create and lead these projects).

Cory Sevin

I am “retired” from a 45 year career in healthcare. A nursing background was a foundation for finding and creating new ways to provide healthcare to teens, migrant families, individuals, families and communities; and new ways to provide care that were generative and life giving to those giving and recieving the care. A desire to help create environments where all can thrive-not just select few-was and is a directional force in my life. I am looking for communtiy to bring my energies, skills, and more to help craft a future that is life giving to all.

Laurie Sherman

I serve on the board of TRANSITION FIDALGO. WE are part of the Salish Sea Hub and work to build community resilience through leading projects focused on enrolling community and building self reliance here on our island. Our projects include: Seed Share library, locally grown open pollinated heritage varieties of seed. Fix it Days to build a repair and restore economy. Forest Monitoring to measure the changes caused by climate change in our local forest lands. Garden to Kitchen class at our middle school. Mentoring the high school Green Club. Share the Bounty organizing local farmers to serve the community with fresh harvested organic food at give away stations.


My name is Aviathar and I am an “institutionalized communitarian” . This means that I have lived in different community systems over a 45 year period. ( Im 69). I am presently the president of The Evergreen Land trust listed below. We have five urban properties and three rural ones. This includes Prag Farm 20 acres in Snohomish county( A vital part of the Tilth movement), River Farm 65 plus acres in Whatcom county, and my home Walker creek in Skagit county. Looking forward to seeing the direction this movement goes.
Aviathar Pemberton

Cindy Bjorklund

Retired retired park ranger naturalist master gardener regional ecotourism expert.
Owns and operates Childs Creek farm arts and ecology gardens. Planted and maintained Skagit County’s first conservation reserve enhancement project started along Childs creek in the middle Skagit Valley. 1999…much more support for local conservation organizations and community.

jay bowen

i am a full time artist, scultper, writing , jewelry, painter, and public speaker on environmental issues and and cross cultural commincations.

Nicole Tilson

I am Nicole, a massage/craniosacral therapist interested in all things nature. My partner and I are opening a healing retreat center on a piece of forested property on the Skagit River. I have just recently been turned on to permaculture, and am now investigating how to incorporate it into our project.