Julie Wolf

I've been on the board and working with Northwest permaculture convergence since 2018. I live on 10 acres of forested land in Tahuya Washington with s…

Paul Cereghino

I am a cartographer, bureaucrat, gardener, ecologist, organizer, and activist, working in the Puget Sound restoration industry. I am cultivating mobil…

Drisana Malaambo

My connection with the world is deep and individual. I strive to learn and teach and constantly seek out the latest and greatest. I bring an open and…

Boone Bergsma

I have been in the Corporate Social Responsibility industry for 15 years, and has a passion for using business for good. As a technologist Boone start…

Marcia Drake

Global Changemaker and globally recognized data expert with over 24 years government experience in data IT. Currently COO and founder of Ecoheart Coac…