Julie Wolf

I’ve been on the board and working with Northwest permaculture convergence since 2018. I live on 10 acres of forested land in Tahuya Washington with stream and lake that connects to the Tahuya river and the Hood canal on the Olympic peninsula in Washington. I’ve come to Earth to serve heaven on Earth evolution of humanity and the thriving of life. I have some techie skills and love connecting people and organizing things. Let’s work together towards the new in ancient ways of this beautiful world.

Paul Cereghino

I am a cartographer, bureaucrat, gardener, ecologist, organizer, and activist, working in the Puget Sound restoration industry. I am cultivating mobile bio-cultural restoration field stations, a regional natural resource governance wiki and original works in bioregional cartography in addition to working for pay on restoration funding, ecosystem service quantification and providing technical assistance to local, tribal, state and federal restoration partners. Before that I worked in landscape construction and agroforestry.

Drisana Malaambo

My connection with the world is deep and individual. I strive to learn and teach and constantly seek out the latest and greatest. I bring an open and inquisitive mind while remaining a calm and grounding force. I intuitively determine what works effectively and what will not. Straightforward in my communication, my nature tends to get to the point. I establish direct contacts and lay foundations for future cooperation. At the same time I immerse myself in research and know how to break out of general conversation. I seek impressions and new people.

Boone Bergsma

I have been in the Corporate Social Responsibility industry for 15 years, and has a passion for using business for good. As a technologist Boone started working on Proof of Concepts for high impact use cases of DLT and Tokenization in 2020. And in 2021 incorporated Blockchain Laboratories as a web3 venture studio to bring to market the next generation of dApps that have triple bottom line ROI.

Marcia Drake

Global Changemaker and globally recognized data expert with over 24 years government experience in data IT. Currently COO and founder of Ecoheart Coaching and Consulting, which focuses on data and sustainability solutions. Impact Economics Certified. Oxford University AI Programme. Experience with transportation, public health and safety, health care, social services, law enforcement and judicial data, grants, GIS, strategic planning, tribes, cities, state and federal agencies, corporate and nonprofit. I am also an artist, outdoor enthusiast, a trained life and business coach, and gardener.