Arnica Ste Marie

All about permaculture and local, regenerative food systems and would like to participate more in creating local (urban) food systems that EVERYONE can participate in/have access to. Community heals ❤️ I’m also a Reiki practitioner and healer. The collective trauma and grief everyone is experiencing on this planet right now is something I also feel called to address and be of service to help heal.

Youngblood Robin

Robin Youngblood is a Wisdom Keeper who has traveled the world sharing the perspectives, values and wisdom of her indigenous Coastal and Inland Salish peoples.

Virginia Ayers

Elder, lived on an island without electricity 14 years; returned to urban life to be near grown children and to advocate for permaculture and regeneration of ecosystems

Val Murray

Born in the West End of Vancouver in 1948, at home with cedar, squirrel, ocean air and pea soup fogs, walking everywhere with my grandmother, my bones are steeped in West Coast essence.

K Forrayi

I am a teacher and student, lifelong Cascadia resident and mother of two.

Drisana Malaambo

My connection with the world is deep and individual. I strive to learn and teach and constantly seek out the latest and greatest. I bring an open and inquisitive mind while remaining a calm and grounding force. I intuitively determine what works effectively and what will not. Straightforward in my communication, my nature tends to get to the point. I establish direct contacts and lay foundations for future cooperation. At the same time I immerse myself in research and know how to break out of general conversation. I seek impressions and new people.

donna luckey

I am an elder dwelling on the traditional lands of the Wiyot people, Humboldt Bay, California (Arcata). I have taught about bioregions and watersheds for decades, and have worked on land trust boards since the early 1990s. Currently that means serving as president of the Jacoby Creek Land Trust, exploring mapping and relationships to other-than-human (Kin) members of the watershed. I am also active with Pachamama Alliance: a global organization with the mission of living on the earth through environmental sustainability, social justice, and spiritual growth. Other commitments to community show up by living in cohousing (currently at Arcata Marsh Cohousing) and singing in a Threshold choir.
I have been retired for 12 years having taught architecture and environmental planning for 28+ years at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.