Bridget Smith

Professional background in building codes and design. Involvement with permaculture groups and sustainable Ballard.

Debra R Giannini

Bioregional chronology: OZARKS New Destiny Federation: edited food land energy journal “Swallows” /OACC 1979-84, then NABC / Turtle Island Bior Congresses since 1st‘.84 SONORA
Soleri Associate 85-92, doc film “Soleri’s Cities” 92 / Musician: Songs with a Sense of Place ‘93 Settled in CASCADIA City Repair /Cascadia Education Project/Cascadia Planet /Goddard College MA Health Arts & Sciences: Expressive Healing w movement, art and music (Anna Halperin and Zuliekha dance lineage) Peter Berg was my intellectual father. I now work as a pediatric first responder in public schools, and sing, dance snd play music as much as possible.

Arnica Ste Marie

All about permaculture and local, regenerative food systems and would like to participate more in creating local (urban) food systems that EVERYONE can participate in/have access to. Community heals ❤️ I’m also a Reiki practitioner and healer. The collective trauma and grief everyone is experiencing on this planet right now is something I also feel called to address and be of service to help heal.

Youngblood Robin

Robin Youngblood is a Wisdom Keeper who has traveled the world sharing the perspectives, values and wisdom of her indigenous Coastal and Inland Salish peoples.

douglas gook

Third generation settler rooted in Lhatako Dene traditional territory in the Quesnel River Watershed.
Natural Selection Forestry practitioner who works to end short rotation corporate industrial fibre mining FOREVER!
Chaga wildcrafter, small scale biodynamic grower, mouth drum musician and hula hoop maker.

Mike Hamilton

Retired biological field station director and conservation technology researcher

Virginia Ayers

Elder, lived on an island without electricity 14 years; returned to urban life to be near grown children and to advocate for permaculture and regeneration of ecosystems