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Cataloguing Seeds – Current & Future

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Start Date

Apr 3 @ 1:00 pm

End Date

Apr 3 @ 2:00 pm

Address / Zoom Line

Currently we are using a Web 2.0 application/web site to catalogue all seed activities and to a certain extent seed inventories. Our community seed collection is growing rapidly both in variety range and volume. As some comparison of this Baker Creek – Rare Seeds claim 1,500 varieties and our collection stands at 1,391 varieties and this will increase during the current ASN-Cascadia Seed Guild joint events.
In this event we will demonstrate our current Permaledger system and discuss how we can improve on this system and we will use our Zoom link for this on-line event. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2714307762?pwd=bVdYQWg0ZUdHVnBWUmJNZ2plRUxtUT09#success

Venue Details

Event Details

Date :
03 April 2024
Time :
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Categories :


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