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Bioregional Governance

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Start Date

Nov 4, 2023 @ 11:00 am

End Date

Nov 4, 2023 @ 12:00 pm

Address / Zoom Line

Inspired by Vandana Shiva’s vision of Earth Democracy and empowered by the emerging digital systems of blockchain governance, a federated planetary network of bioregional congresses is now possible. In this short talk, Benjamin Life will share more about the collaborative framework of the OpenCivics Consortium and its work to create a space for non-rivalrous research and development on the technological and social foundations of a federated planetary network of bioregional congresses.

I seem to be a verb… Benjamin Life is a civic innovator, community organizer, and artist focused on anti-rivalrous decentralized organizations as a mechanism for systemic and cultural adaptation. His work weaves together both the mythos and practical actualization of a more beautiful world, a world in which all human beings are empowered as agents to co-steward communities, cultures, and ecologies that are thriving, resilient, and participatory.

Leveraging a large network of systemic innovators, his work as a co-founder of OpenCivics catalyzes a decentralized research, design, and coordination body able to address the root drivers of civilizational collapse. As a cultural leader, Benjamin produces writing, video, and experiences that express the cultural code of a life-affirming civilization.

Venue Details

Event Details

Date :
04 November 2023
Time :
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Categories :


Benjamin Life

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