Announcing Some changes To The RC Core Admin Team: 

Please join us in expressing gratitude to Julie Wolf for her past contributions and wishing her continued success in her evolving role within the community.


We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Julie Wolf for her valuable contributions as a member of the RC Core Admin Team over the past few months. Julie’s dedicated efforts and the substantial time she invested in her role have made a lasting impact, and we are truly grateful for her commitment.

As we continually strive for clarity and alignment within the Core Admin Team, we are announcing a change in Julie’s role. Effective February 21, 2024, Julie returned to being a valued participant at large, and transitioned away from her position on the RC Core Admin Team. In this capacity, Julie will continue to engage actively in the community, particularly in her growing roles as a steward within the Education Group and potentially a Permaculture Guild.

We believe this shift will allow Julie to bring her unique skills and perspectives to new and exciting challenges, contributing to the growth and success of our community. We are confident that her ongoing involvement will be a tremendous asset.

The current members of the Regenerate Cascadia Core Admin Team moving forward are Brandon Letsinger, Clare Attwell, and Tanja Woitasczyk. 

Please join us in expressing gratitude to Julie for her past contributions and wishing her continued success in her evolving role within the community.

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"to create the conditions for a regenerative movement to thrive."

Regenerate Cascadia is a 501(c)3 nonprofit program of the Department of Bioregion. All gifts are tax deductible. ©2024 Regenerate Cascadia.