Excited to learn more!

Shawnda Clawson

The Earth Mother Intentional Community was originally founded in Midland, Texas in 1986 as a Permaculture based Cottage Enterprise Village. It evolve…

Alison LeDuc

Active with the Bilston Watershed Habitat Protection Association; member of many other community groups including the Metchosin Climate Action Team, S…

Jiro Isetani

I am interested in making things which are more existing than war and simultaneously more regenerative than peace.

Bill Aal

OG bioregionalist, Justice Activist luve on. the east side. Practicioner of Open Space and other tools for change

Forest Berg

Director of Greenearthcity.org, I'm working on several projects for regenerative land development.

Kate Clark

I'm an integrative health educator. I'm all about disease prevention though self care and planetary stewardship. I love food. I love to eat! I love m…

Andrew Sievers

Student at EVCC, biology major , president of student for environmental action

Anne Tearse

I am a retired teacher, moved to Whidbey in 2015. Active in Whidbey Climate Action. Happy to learn and grow. Searching for ways to help heal the d…