Reply To: Website Idea Log – What can be improved? SUGGESTIONS HERE

  • Paul Cereghino

    January 9, 2024 at 9:24 am

    ooooo!!! It just came to me. Without getting into CSS (some other opportuities there…) the strongest visual control we have over each room is in the hue, tone, texture, and content of the images… the banners tell us what part of the inn we are located… oh… i am in the red wing…

    Setting up a standard pattern to the banners, and then having those colors and symbols repeated on maps located throughout the inn… if you are in a green room you know you are talking about a place, lighter green means larger scale, darker green means smaller scale… (just for concept).

    Group photo and group banner gives us a huge tool for altering the décor in the inn so we know where we are…