Steward Circle Activity

  • Steward Circle Activity

    Posted by Paul Cereghino on January 9, 2024 at 3:39 pm

    This discussion describes the work of a group attempting to form a small stable group that this capable of supporting the development of a “Bioregional Learning Guild”. This currently involves:

    1. @clare-strawn of the upper Willamette
    2. @clarej of South Vancouver Island
    3. @cascadiabrandon of the East Sound Megacity
    4. Jan of the Kootenays
    5. @paul of South Sound
    6. @juliewolf of Kitsap

    We maintain a central circle log

    We anticipate taking responsibilty for the following elements:

    1/ A Guild Landing Page – public-facing summary of what the “Bioregional Education Guild” is and what it is up to, and how to engage (through various feeds)

    2/ Membership and Roles in the Bioregional Education ‘Group’ – Right now there are a few groups stewards that have privileges on the BuddyPress platform, and some of us are also website admins that can edit and create pages. The whole website privileges and permission situation is rapidly evolving. Only logged in users can contribute, but the forum is public readable.

    3/ This ‘Group Forum’ and any future ‘Sub-Forums’ – This public forum has a “feed” that contributes to the site-wide feed, and also discussions. Various documents and photos can accumulate here (but there is not plan.) New public or private sub-groups can be created with forums.

    4/ The ‘Discussion’ threads on this Forum – this is an example of a discussion. Stewards can make some discussions “sticky”. Naming conventions can support clarity (having an all caps discussion type)

    5/ Management of files, images and other stuff in this forum – no plans here, but it allows for transfer of media without granting website admin privilages.

    6/ Any ‘Posts’ we create for Project or Blogs or other purposes – website authors and admins can create post pages. We could head towards shared post authorship. Right now posts are being considered for articles and for project overviews.

    7/ Management of ‘Events’ using the “Bioregional Education” Category – when you create a calendar event you can give it a bioregional education tag and display various event summaries.

    Paul Cereghino replied 10 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • cascadiabrandon

    January 9, 2024 at 8:44 pm

    this is a great summary, thank you Paul.

  • Paul Cereghino

    January 11, 2024 at 11:55 am

    hi paul

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